I Hate My Job. But I love The Money.

Find Your Purpose Masterclass

Does this sound like you?

  • Are you envious when people look fulfilled in their lives?

  • Do you rely on new clothes, vacations, or promotions to feel happy? If so, does your happiness only last for a few days (or even an hour?)

  • Do you constantly compare yourself to others?

  • Do you want to better yourself but don’t know where to start?

  • You hate your job but you love the money

Then this is the free masterclass for you.

You will come away with:

  • A conversation with Cory Welsh and a live coaching session on how I help Cory find her purpose

  • How to separate your purpose from your job

  • How defining your purpose can help you if you’re in a state of constant comparison

  • Two questions to ask yourself if you’re having a “crisis of meaning”

  • Why purpose needs to be authentic to what you want, not what others want

  • How to embrace career change if you know you’re not living in alignment with your purpose

  • A step-by-step method on how to find your purpose

Hear from my clients