I know you’re busy, and maybe you just want a personalized review and some advice on how to find the immediate next step in your career right now. 
If that’s you, watch this video and I’ll show you how. 


Book a 30-Minute Career Next-Step Call with Hannah Kissel

If you're a high performer in tech and you're feeling stuck and stagnant, you may be a few strategies away from finding the next right step in your career.

I know you're busy... and maybe you just want a personalized career clarity call right now on the ONE next step you should take....if that's you, book a call.

In this fast-paced 30-minute Career Next-Step Call, we will:

  1. Do a quick review of what’s working in your career and what’s not

  2. Discuss your main values and make sure your career utilizes your talents

  3. Make a clear next step to get your ideal salary

We will see what’s possible for you in terms of:

  1. Finding a career that aligns with your values and also meets your salary expectations

  2. Getting a simple plan of career options for you that utilize all your talents and help fulfill your potential.

You’ll leave the call with a 3-step action plan to find the next step in your career.

I only have 3 of these sessions available over the next week, so please only take a spot if you will show up.